Today's Topic


Today's Topic: Sharing

This is a topic I always go back to. I sometimes wonder if I had life to live over again. I'd go to college for social media verses Psychology. From the beginning of 2016 I have been in Promoting mode. On Facebook I have a page called #Tag #Your #Teaser.
It's a page where an associate of mine Carol Cassada and myself host authors for free. One thing I have learned about this industry is it's hard to get your name out there without support. Both financially and making connections. I wanted to give my friends a place where they could meet people and bounce ideas off each other. It was small at first. Getting our name out there. But now it's on fire. With 166 people engaged. And more coming in. We have what's called Author Super Star and we are booked for the whole year. It's great to see the authors interacting and helping each other.

There was so much buzz I made a group called Author Monthly.

It's a group that comes together and shares each others thoughts and works. Because that is what it's all about. We live in a world that unless you share your book won't see the light of day. In my opinion. Your story must be told before it's written. With my debut book Unspoken Dreams I promoted and shared across the internet for three months before it's release date. Giving my readers a taste of what it would be like to read about Samantha and Jamie's story.  And numbers alone showed the hard work I did prier to releasing it. But it's hard to juggle both promotion and writing. As a creative mind. We want to be writing all the time. Telling our characters stories. But if we don't market,  then our readers lose interest. That's why it's imperative to find a group of people who think the same way you do and share each others work.

If we share each others work, we will all succeed. And make some awesome friendships along the way. The public thinks: Oh they're an author. They're a millionaire. Some authors are and that's great. But they didn't get there over night. And Indie Authors and even authors with publishers still have to work for their five star reviews. So remember, if you like an author.

 The best way to show them love is to share their posts. Read their books give them a review and spread it throughout the internet.

Today's Topic: Pondering

By definition, it is to think heavy thoughts. I think that is why as writers people say we ponder. I saw a picture on FB yesterday, it was a cartoon of a writer and her friend kept bugger her to go out. Saying she was not going to have fun if she stayed in on Friday night. And the writer was getting irritated because she was having fun with her characters.

That's what some people don't understand. Our Characters are our friends. I remember as a kid, I'd tell my mom about my stories in my head and after awhile she'd realize I was talking about my stories and where they were going. And she'd say "Please Alisha I thought someone really got into a fight. Can we talk about real people for once?" But that's what she never got. My characters are real. Now if you're a writer reading this you are either shaking your head in agreeance or laughing picture an eight-year-old explaining things to her mother. But bottom line you know what I'm talking about. When we write sure we want to be rich and famous and not have to go to a day job anymore. But what we are really doing is bringing our friends to life for others to enjoy.

Some writers hate the editing process. And I too think it's tedious at times. But As you all know I'm Indie and I do everything myself including editing. So when I go back to my rewrites sometimes it can be dishearting because I always thought the first draft was a masterpiece. LOL, only in my dreams.  I find the second draft is always more fun because in the first draft I tell the story. In the second draft, my characters tell the story.

For example, The Whispers Series is based off of one family The McGregors. And although it has a beautiful message the McGregors have a lot of tears along the way. And in book 2 we get to meet Mary Beth AKA: Beth, Jason and Haley's daughter. She goes to school and finds a man she's attracted to. But he has his own issues. Now I knew in the first draft Chance was special but it wasn't until my rewrites did I understand how special.

I know I'm just rambling. Sometimes I do that. I hope you've had a good chuckle or relize it's okay to pounder.

Today's Topic: December 1st

It's 24 day's until Christmas. Who's counting? It's crazy how after October 31st everyone counts down to the holidays. To me, I enjoy each day as they come. I'm 33 years old and when I was 28 I became a widow. Not that I'm asking for sympathy. I'm very happy in my life. I have a wonderful man to call my own, five healthy children and although my first marriage was cut short I have a lot to give to the world. I tend to get a little on edge this time of year. Just because it brings back memories I would like to forget.

But I wonder if I had it to do all over again if I'd change anything. If I was to change something then I wouldn't be where I am today. The woman I am today. So although life does seem unfair at times, I think we need to treasure the day and not care so much about the count-down. Because what happens if you are so busy counting down you don't see the important things. Life gets too busy to enjoy the small things anymore. And really are we better off? In some ways, I'd say yes we are. There's cures for diseases that once were not there. But what about the little things. For example, spending time with the family. That's what I live for. I have five kids and three that are almost out the door. Sure they all drive me nuts at times but seeing them as teenagers/young adults and where they are going makes me proud. I still remember when I first met them. They were little and in need of a mother's love. And for the four years I've been a part of their life they've grown into what some say a "Model Citizen". Someone who knows right and wrong and chooses to do the right thing. Sure they have their moments but don't we all. My little two are still learning but who knows how they will turn out.

My point is focus on today, because you will never know what tomorrow brings.

Today's Topic: Where did the Romance Go

We live in such a busy world nowadays it's hard to find it. Back in the eight hundreds and even the early nineteenth hundreds there was true romance. Now we are so busy sometimes we forget to show it. I think that is why I like to write about it. To describe the days before cell phones and Internet. Now don't get me wrong my stories are based in modern day but the family does not revolve around it until later on in the series.

Even movies today have lost the Romance. Think of all the oldies with Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, even Cary Grant. They had wonderful movies of love and being do I dare say "Gay". Singing in the rain with Gene Kelly is one of my favorites. With the dancing and craziness of Hollywood. It's the perfect movie.

Even though there are great movies out there today such as "The Hunger Games" and Divergent and Insurgent. There are many more like the Marvels and such but movies have lost the romance of them.

But then again things do change, We just have to make the most of them. I think the same way when it comes to writing. When I started out I had a 100 page novela I thought was wonderful. And although it did have potential it wasn't my best work. And over the years I have found less is more and showing vs. telling is the key to a good book.

So to close this Hot Topic up. This holiday season let's bring the romance back.

Today's Topic: Thanksgiving

I find this weekend to be very productive. Kids are home playing games and enjoying the winter weather. The smell of Turkey is in the oven. For anyone who doesn't know my husband is the cook and he makes some mean turkey on Thanksgiving. He's actually trying something new. Pineapple crunches and mushrooms with the turkey. We all have our traditions of the three F's: Food, Family, and Football. But have you ever wondered why the word Thanksgiving?

Why not Harvest day? Or Pilgrims day? Or I'll even throw a funny one out there, NFL game day?

When I see the word Thanksgiving I see it like this Thanks*Giving. Which to me means we should spend a little extra time not just saying what we are thankful for but to give to those in need or even just to spend time with the ones we love.

Giving is just as important as receiving in my book. Just like yesterday when hubby and I went to the store to pick up some last minute items. We got our oldest boy a T.v. and anyone who has teenagers knows the importance of a t.v. in the bedroom especially if you bring a PS3 into the mix.  Now our family isn't the kind that showers each others with gifts. We are a family of 7 we'd be broke if we did. But it's the little moments like yesterday to see the gleam in our son's eyes was thanksgiving to me. To see my other kids happy and well that's Thanksgiving. To be with the man who has my heart and to have friends that aren't just friends to me but family. That's what Thanksgiving is to me.

So Happy Thanks*Giving to you all

Today's Topic: Bringing Fiction to Life

For every fiction writer, there is a challenge. To bring their Character to life. Now don't get me wrong. When writing it's easy to see our characters and their story to unfold but for the reader there needs an extra push to bring your fictional loved ones off the page.

Jason and Haley

Jude and Isabelle
I've always been told it's called "Showing vs. Telling." Now I will be honest I have been writing for years now and only now do I see the difference. For example. My first two books were telling stories. Everything was flat and unbelievable. But now as I've matured and look at the work I do now, it's easier to detect when I fall off the path and begin to tell again. It's easy to do especially after writing one way for so long. But I think that is why the golden rule of writing is this: 1 draft is your outline, 2 draft the story begins to breathe, 3 draft it becomes a work of art.

For me, I still go over my books and find mistakes and want to fix them. But then again if we always did that our work would never be done. Now as an Indie writer I find my time-table for stories my own. But when asked why do you have deadlines? I put it simply. If I don't have deadlines, My stories would never get finished.

Jesse and Charlotte
My Characters live in my head. Jason, Jesse, and Jude are breathing people to me. Their families are my family and their story needs to be told correctly. I often find myself going back and re-reading prior stories to make the right choices for the next.  But it's all part of Bringing fiction to life. Here are some pictures of the McGregor Family. They may only be characters but as I know authors who read this will understand.

Our characters are as real as our own family. So when writing, if you are just starting out. Don't rush it. Nurture it, feed it with ideas and don't rush your story...Your story will come to you.


Today's Topic: Exposure

What is the hardest part of writing? I'd say its exposure. The writing is easy because it's fun and exciting. It's in our blood to tell the story. Editing is tedious but necessary because although we have talent sometimes it takes a few drafts to get it right.

For me, the hard part is exposure. Knowing what people want to see or hear so they will be captivated. For example, I try to always have a book trailer for every story. But then what? Take-overs are a need, but you need to know people first. Then there is this, blogging to get someone's attention. But you can never do enough. That's why I think we all have to work together to expose each other. Then one of these days the person who sees us will see our talent.

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