Thursday, November 19, 2015

Romance Novelist Alisha Guenzel

Hello and welcome to my blog. Let me start off by saying I'm happy you stopped by. Love and deception is what I write. I am what some call a serial writer. Don't get scared it's not like a serial killer. No, it's a writer that writes series. I started writing at a young age but never took my talent seriously until my thirties. I have published three books: Unspoken Dreams (2014), Jason's Duty (2015), and Absarokee Whispers (2015).

Although Unspoken Dreams is off the shelf at the moment. I have enjoyed my writing journey and in someway's it's only the beginning. You see Absarokee Whispers is book 1 of my Whisper series. It began as a three book trilogy. But after reading the three manuscripts I realized it could be more if I combined the stories and made one book. Jason's Duty was part of that trilogy. So if you pick up Jason's Duty and then read Absarokee Whispers you will see some similarities in the two. At least in the beginning.

I am now working on book 2 and 3 at the moment. And as I write I see where the other books will be going. So with that being said. Enjoy Love and Deception: Recipe for  good reading.

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